Longsands Community Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

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  3. Mrs McKeown's Message to the Children at Home Wednesday 24th Feb 2021

Mrs McKeown's Message to the Children at Home Wednesday 24th Feb 2021

24 February 2021 (by Martin Coyne (m.coyne))

Happy Birthday to Jake, Luke,Martha,Chloe, Leo, Yusha and Kira. 

Good news - you will be back with us in just over a week!!
We have all been safe in school since Lockdown started and staff are having regular tests to make sure we all stay well. 
Keep going with the home learning and this will help you when you are back with us. Make sure you have some down time each day just like you do at school when you have playtimes and brain breaks . 
Your challenge this week is to wear two pairs of socks on your hands and see if you can use a knife and fork to cut up a chocolate bar!!!
Enjoy the rest of the week and we will see you all soon.
Mrs McKeown  

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