Longsands Community Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

Pupil Governors 2016-2017

Pupil Governors were elected by their classes last year. This was a democratic process, where each child had a single vote for their favourite candidate. The boy and girl in each class who received the most votes became the pupil governors for their class.

The same pupil governors will keep their positions for the 2016/17 school year. 2 new reception governors will be elected.


The Pupil Governors will meet at least twice each half term. Minutes of these meetings will be placed on this page of the school website and also hard copies will be kept on the Pupil Governors notice board in the hall.


Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 will each have a suggestion box and accompanying suggestion slips so that pupils can raise issues in the following areas:


  • Playtime and Lunchtime
  • Resources & Equipment (both learning resources and resources throughout the school such as the toilets)
  • Rewards & Discipline (doing the right thing and what if things go wrong - the Pupil Governors will not be talking about individual cases where children have been disciplined
  • Sport
  • Events (e.g. school trips)


The Pupil Governors are:
YR6: Ella, Samiyah, Damian, Myan
YR5: Humayrah & Calum
YR4: Natalya & Zain
YR3: Erin and Aadit
YR2: Amber & Victor
YR1: Emily & Jasper
Rec: TBC
The Pupil Governors will discuss these areas and any suggestions or solutions will be included in the minutes. The minutes will be copied to Mr Seagraves, they will then be reviewed to see if any further action can be taken. Subsequent minutes will record any action taken,
Hopefully the pupil governors will be able to introduce themselves to the school in an upcoming assembly to explain their roles and responsibilities.